Carl Chambers
I was born in the UK and grew up in the North East town of Wallsend. In around 122AD this was a Roman Fort standing on the Northern frontier of the Great Roman Empire! Many years later it was to become one of the greatest ship building towns of the world.
I joined the British army in 1989 at the age of 21, I enlisted into the "1st Battalion The Duke of Wellington's Regiment" and served for 16 years before getting a medical discharge after a serious motorcycle accident. I seen active service in Bosnia, Northern Ireland, Kosovo and Iraq. In 2006 I was discharged and moved to Ontario, Canada. I opened a survival school teaching school, universities, government agencies and individual everything from knots to advanced wilderness first aid.
In 2019 I retired and moved to a small farm in Nova Scotia, after spending 5 years with help renovating my farm house my love of motorcycles came back after many years since my accident. I decided to go back to school and attended a Motorcycle & Power Product Repair Course, covering everything from a mower to a large motorcycles